Veres Group of Companies is part of the industrial and Investment Group Smart Holding. Sharing a common strategy and business principles with the main shareholder, the Group of Companies continues to actively develop, releasing products in new product categories for the brand and mastering new export markets.
The management of the Ukrainian enterprises of the Group of Companies is carried out by the parent company Veres Holding Ltd., 66% of the assets of which are owned by Smart Holding. The Company consolidates the ownership of production and trading facilities, manages the business and represents the interests of the owners.
Veres IP Ltd. manages the intellectual property of Veres Group of Companies. The trademark next to the recipe is the main business asset. Precisely because of the recipe that the products loved by consumers, and the Veres Brand has become recognizable not only in the domestic but also in the foreign markets.
The work of Veres Group of Companies is based on the principles of cluster business separation, provides the most effective management at the regional and local levels.